Thank You


Contact Person's Full Name

Phone Number


Date Of Your Event

Please rate the quality of service we provided at your event

Please tell us what you liked about the service

Please tell us what you would like to see us do better next time

Were the models punctual?

Did they perform the duties you assigned them well?

Is there a particular model that you would like to bring to our attention, either because of a job well done or because of a concern you have?

Would you like to have the same group of models at your next event?

If there is someone you know that could benefit from our services and would like to refer us, please provide details here

If you were pleased with the service and would like to leave a testimonial, please do so here. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Feedback Form


I'd like to begin by saying "thank you".  Thank you for trusting us to provide quality promotional models for your event(s), and thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback.  I hope the service you received from our staff was outstanding in all respects.  Your feedback is extremely valuable to us.  Whether it is to let us know that everything was to your satisfaction, or to tell us there's something you'd like us to do differently next time, the feedback you provide helps us to make the neccessary adjustments to meet your needs...or to leave things the way they are if they are working well.  


We do our best to provide you with quality people that are attractive, friendly, reliable and intelligent.  The most effective method we have of knowing if our models are living up to that promise, is to hear from you, our clients.  The one thing I can promise you, is that we will always listen to what you have to say.  If our models impressed you, we'll let them know.  If something failed to meet your expectations, we'll work to fix it.  If you'd like to hear from us, we'll call you.  And if you would like to provide us with a referral or a testimonial, we'll be very grateful.  Thank you sincerely, for choosing PNK Promotions for your staffing needs.

                                               Pete Duarte


At PNK, providing you with excellent service matters to us. 

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